Towards A Blockchain Enabled Integrated Library Managment System Using Hyperledger Fabric
Using Hyperledger Fabric
Blockchain; Hyperledger Fabric; Integrated Library Management System; Cryptography; SHA-256, Security.Abstract
The Adoption of Integrated Library Management System got an extensive boom in the early 80’s. The revolution of cloud computing in Information Technology opens up the gates to many opportunities for system automation but on the other hand, it makes online systems more vulnerable to DoS attacks, viruses, non-authoritative data manipulations and chances of hacking. In the modern technological era data is considered the most valuable resource for a country. Many integrated library management systems perform well to tackle daily base library operations but to cope up with latest threats to library management systems to keep data most secure and transparent, not a single ILMS ensures the secure, fraud less and tamper resistant transaction systems. To solve this problem the author has proposed a model for libraries, which ensure distributed, secure and tamper resistant. All the transactions of library operations are being validated by a pool of nodes and logging into cryptographically encrypted hash-block and each block has the hash value of the previous block thus it makes a chain of blocks which ensures security and transparency of Library Operations. In this paper the author has also demonstrated the implementation of the blockchain based ILMS using Hyperledger Fabric.