A Novel Method to improve the Round Robin CPU Scheduling Quantum time using Arithmetic Mean”


  • Rana Akmal Ncbae
  • Raheel iqbal
  • Muhammad Saleem


Scheduling, turnaround time, context switch, Round Robin, mean time quantum.


Abstract: CPU Scheduling is one of the most important topics in Operating Systems. The selection of processes for implementation in Round-robin format is one of the greatest method. Operating System is the intermediary between the hardware program application program of computer systems. This interaction demands high level of scheduling for the processes that take part in this interaction. There are many algorithms that are introduced for optimum scheduling of processes, one of them is Round Robin and many of its variants. An algorithm which is variant of RR is introduced in this research paper. In this document we planned a new methodology to finding quantum time in each cycle based on arithmetic mean. This proposed algorithm after analyzing and experimenting give lesser turnaround time and waiting time for processes, when their arrival time is zero and when non-zero. This proposed algorithm satisfies scheduling criteria for CPU scheduling which is surety of its better performance than traditional Round Robin.


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How to Cite

Akmal, R. ., iqbal, R. ., & Saleem, M. . (2022). A Novel Method to improve the Round Robin CPU Scheduling Quantum time using Arithmetic Mean”. International Journal of Computational and Innovative Sciences, 1(2), 15–26. Retrieved from https://ijcis.com/index.php/IJCIS/article/view/12


